Let’s start with a BANG ! (tips for 2016)

Ciao , bella’s. It’s Bessie 🙂 And this is my first ever post!

How to start ? Today I would like to talk to you about motivation and how to keep afloat throughout the year. I don’t know if it’s just me but I can stay motivated for about one term and then I lose it and become my normal messy , crazy untidy self. So I thought I would give you some tips on how to not lose it .


#1  Balance

Make sure that throughout the year you keep balance between school , homework and life. If you are like me and can’t do anything without writing it down try a planner or even sticking notes. Try doing your least favourite tasks first like jobs or homework first so that your can look forward the fun stuff like tv and computer/phone time.

#2  Make a change 

Try something different , new and maybe inspirational. Like changing up your room or a new laptop background or sticker. I like watching youtube, so maybe try a you-tuber that make you feel happy and motivated to move and do work ( work , work , work , work , working on my s#!t ) Luv ya Iggy  !

#3  Organisation 

I know it’s hard but “WE CAN DO IT!”. I have always struggled with this area but over the years I have gathered techniques. If you are anything like me and you just shove everything away for 2 weeks and then realise where your favourite t shirt has been hiding for the last 1 million year and then you be like “Hello, it’s me“. The key is simply either being in the moment and having the right mindset of tidy and always tidy. But we all that that doesn’t work . My idea is that you as long as you know where things are then that is organised. Although there is nothing wrong with being neat and clean.

#4  Get out 

Remember to have fun and get out more. Try doing things like going out with your friends or shopping. Maybe try things like nice walks or bike rides. The point being have some time out from the world and breath the fresh air.

#5  Positivity 

The key to successful is in the outlook. Make sure when facing hardships you remember to be positive as not only will it make yourself achieve more and feel better but it will make others around you feel better. This tip is very helpful in tests, exams or stressful moments in life. Positivity should always be used in your everyday and not just in hardships as I believe it is the key to happiness.

Hope this was helpful and that you have a good 2016!

Top Image : Jake Newfield , 15/12/15. (2016) .Available from: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jake-newfield/10-companies-to-look-out-_b_8809074.html . Accessed on: 25/1/16.

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